Thanks for the reply
It appears that perk is a much to do about nothing...
The more points an account has the more transactions they are going to need
Having the perk at greater than 700,000 point (AKA Gold / Platinum) enables those account to take more long weekends and shorter trips and to book/cancel more often
Which they need to the volume of points anyway
The smaller accounts would use up most of their points in a couple of transactions that come 1 per 77,000
Not really value added
Until I went Gold, I didn’t do a lot of cancel and rebook so I didn’t need the unlimited RT. However, After going Gold, I found myself doing it more often, to take advantage of the discount. If I booked something outside the discount window, and saw a unit available inside the discount window, I would book the discounted reservation, and cancel the original. I did this multiple times in the last six months. I would imagine, before they closed the cancel rebook loop hole, Gold and platinum did it a lot more, so there was more value. There is still value in having it, to take advantage of the discounts, just not as much. I like not having to worry about how many RT credits I have left. I think if you had it, you’d use it, but the question would be, is it worth it to you. Going Gold has a high price tag of course. There are other benefits to consider, but are they all worth the high price tag? That’s up to the person paying the price tag.
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