This was a very interesting story until the last two (2) paragraphs.
Why would a naval vessel strike a cruise ship in international waters and one design with an reinforced hull. .
This cruise ship was design to break up huge crunk of ice in shipping lane waters.
Plus, this naval vessel should have had this information about this cruise ship. on record/file.This captain of this naval ship needs to be Fired. Charged with poor judgement and damaging a government's naval vessel. IMO
I think the short answer, Pedro, is that the Captain of the naval vessel is obviously incompetent. As with many similar fanatical regimes, the professional soldiers and sailors have either been purged or have left in disgust. You are left with the dregs and fanatics. Maduro has been in power long enough now to ensure only his lackeys are in control.
No competent master of a naval vessel would have carried out such an action, and certainly not without direction from higher up. I suspect the Captain didn't even think to look up the registry of the cruise vessel. He ignored that old maxim, "know your enemy", although I use the term "enemy" here very loosely. Plus, an ice-hardened hull would probably be the last thing they would be expecting in Caribbean waters. The outcome is almost hilarious, if it weren't so potentially dangerous. Instant karma!!