By chance could we track the source of how people are finding TUG during registration - perhaps with a "How did you hear about TUG?" drop-down list that includes:
Friend (referral)
Facebook Group
Facebook Search
Internet Search (Google/Yahoo/Bing)
TUG Website
Just brainstorming here - thinking if we could capture this during registration - it might permit us to better target how people find TUG - and improve our chances of finding new timeshare purchasers sooner and improving their chances of rescission before the cool off period ends for example.
Depending on how fancy we want to get - we could provide a secondary input field based upon the initial selection chosen above - such as if the registrant picks Facebook Group - pop-up an additional input field that asks for the name of the Facebook Group - or if Internet Search is chosen - ask for the search criteria. Again, just brainstorming.