Just 2nd hand knowledge.
My brother's wife is a top flight racquectball player for over 30 years now. She was honored with the National Lifetime Acheivement Award just a couple of months ago. But my brother who travels with her and has played serious sports (softball plus RB) did in his ACL while playing in one of her RB touraments - heard the POP and knew as he laid on the floor of the court. Had the surgery (after flying around to get medical opinions) and was progressing - 6 months to where the doctor had just told him he could TRY a little jogging.
They went to FL and on the beach at the surf line, he tried 4 or 5 steps on his toes in the surf. Down he went with BLOOD in the 2 inches of water. Someone yelled SHARK! ER visit as it was right at the incission line. Got the bleeding stopped, but a PIECE of coral in the water had cut the ACL just 1.5 inches above the surgery line. Cut 65+% of the ACL. Flew home to his doctor in NE; no more surgery as it was TOO CLOSE and that portion of ACL was too thin.
6 more months of the wheel chair, crutches, PT, etc.
That was 3 or 4 years ago. He plays some sports but watches his lunges and warms up a whole lot.... admits that at 62+ he is not as young or agile as he was at 30. He is fearful he will do his other leg in. Or as he has said, there is so little tissue on the bad leg left.
But he has lots of friends in that competitve world who have had this happen as well as his 55yo wife. She is sponsored by the biggest raquetball equipment company in the world. Most do play again --- but the older you are, the less likely you will be playing at the top, top of your game.
PM me if you need his Doctor's name; he is out your way; brother flew in for medical evaluation to several BIG NAME places (John Hopkins, UCLA, Jefferson in PHL, etc). Had the surgery on Omaha.