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The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955


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Mar 20, 2018
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The polio vaccine might explain why parents could be scared of giving a new vaccine for their kids. This article is from 2020 but explains what happened with a quick vaccine. Note: My husband and I are fully vaccinated.

The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955
It was ‘one of the worst biological disasters in American history,’ one scholar wrote

On Aug. 30, 1954, Bernice E. Eddy, a veteran scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., was checking a batch of a new polio vaccine for safety.
Created by Jonas Salk, the vaccine was hailed as the miracle drug that would conquer the dreaded illness that killed and paralyzed children. Eddy’s job was to examine samples submitted by the companies planning to make it.

As she checked a sample from Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., she noticed that the vaccine designed to protect against the disease had instead given polio to a test monkey. Rather than containing killed virus to create immunity, the sample from Cutter contained live, infectious virus.

Something was wrong. “There’s going to be a disaster,” she told a friend.

As scientists and politicians desperately search for medicines to slow the deadly coronavirus, and as President Trump touts a malaria drug as a remedy, a look back to the 1955 polio vaccine tragedy shows how hazardous such a search can be, especially under intense public pressure.

Despite Eddy’s warnings, an estimated 120,000 children that year were injected with the Cutter vaccine, according to Paul A. Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Roughly 40,000 got “abortive” polio, with fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting and muscle pain. Fifty-one were paralyzed, and five died, Offit wrote in his 2005 book, “The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis.”

It was “one of the worst biological disasters in American history: a man-made polio epidemic,” Offit wrote.

In those days, polio, or infantile paralysis, was a terror.

“A national poll … found that polio was second only to the atomic bomb as the thing that Americans feared most,” Offit wrote.

“People weren’t sure how you got it,” he said in an interview last week. “Therefore, they were scared of everything. They didn’t want to buy a piece of fruit at the grocery store. It’s the same now. … Everybody’s walking around with gloves on, with masks on, scared to shake anybody’s hand.”……

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Jun 6, 2005
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This incident did come up in another thread.

Some thoughts...

As far as this being a reason for why some are hesitant to get the Covid vaccine, I doubt that most if any of those refusing to be vaccinated are even aware of this incident. So I don't think this is a motivator.

There is probably more awareness of the one batch of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that was not produced correctly this year and had to be removed from the market. On the other hand, if fears of something being incorrectly produced is the underlying reason for not getting vaccinated, is there any drug for which one could not say the same? Yet, those refusing to be vaccinated I am sure are taking drugs without giving this a thought.

Actually, I have been vaccinated and give this more thought in that I worry about the number of drugs manufactured in China. Our dependency on China for drug manufacturing makes me nervous.


TUG Review Crew: Expert
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Jun 6, 2005
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"As far as this being a reason for why some are hesitant to get the Covid vaccine, I doubt that most if any of those refusing to be vaccinated are even aware of this incident. So I don't think this is a motivator."

This is what I was thinking.


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Apr 23, 2016
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Sorry, but I find this article bordering on fear-mongering. I see very few parallels with the current Covid-19 vaccines. I also doubt it is a reason for vaccine hesitancy today.

I'm old enough to remember how frightening polio was before vaccines were developed. I had classmates in grade school who suffered from polio. I took the Sabin oral polio vaccine in early 1962 at the age of 12. Cutter and Wyeth were manufacturers who screwed up the procedure when they produced the 100,000+ doses of the Salk vaccine. It is one of the reasons why they have been slow to test and approve Covid-19 vaccines for those under age 12, since young, developing bodies often react differently compared to more mature bodies.

In any case, it was not a problem with the original vaccine developed by Salk, but a problem with the two manufacturers. Lot quality reviews are far more advanced today, almost 70 years on. We have also now had over 4.5 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered to-date, with very few issues. I think we can deem them "safe", especially when we compare it to the known issues if you contract Covid-19.


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Mar 20, 2018
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I have heard many people with vaccine hesitancy, esp for children, say they worry there could be harmful side effects. A few days ago, I told my husband I wish the FDA would speed up approval of the vaccine for children. He said he is fine with them taking their time and he brought up the history of the polio vaccine. We both got our vaccine in January so we were early ourselves but he wants to be sure the vaccine is safe for children and not rushed. My sister is not getting my 14 year old nephew vaccinated yet because he has a heart condition and she heard the vaccine can exacerbate heart conditions. I don’t know if this is true or not but she is concerned about vaccine safety. I have read about many people expressing vaccine hesitancy due to worries about vaccine safety. They may not know about the polio vaccine history but people have heard various stories of vaccine problems, whether true or not. I am just trying to show people another way of looking at people who are hesitant about vaccines. There is history showing screw ups like with the polio vaccine. I am sure there are more examples out there.


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Sep 23, 2007
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Vaccine hesitancy is almost certainly related to the fraudulent test study promoted by former Dr. Andrew Wakefield that purported the preservatives in some vaccines were responsible for autism in children. The study was proven to be a hoax and Dr. Wakefield lost his medical license. Ever since than there are dedicated groups of anti-vaxers that still cling to the debunked study. I had a woman tell me she could not receive the COVID vaccine because she was allergic to the preservatives in them. The problem with that is that these vaccines do not use traditional preservatives which explains why they must be kept at very cold temperatures and that vials must be used immediately after they are thawed out.
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Problems / flaws in the production process are not unique to vaccine production. I think you can and probably do have bad batches of other drugs. There are certainly multiple news stories about contaminated food. I don't avoid food just because there has been an occasional recall.


TUG Review Crew: Elite
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Jun 6, 2005
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Flaws in lots of systems. Walgreens pharmacy repeatedly telling me my husband is on a low blood pressure medication prescribed by a doctor we never heard of when in fact he is on a high blood pressure medication. Trying to force me to take the prescription hone and give it to him. Wonder about the poor guy whose medication that is


TUG Review Crew: Expert
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I was probably one of those who got the early polio vaccine. I think just about everyone I know in my age group did get it. I don't remember there being any fear from parents of having us get the vaccine. But I was probably too young to notice if there was.


TUG Review Crew: Elite
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Jun 6, 2005
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I was probably one of those who got the early polio vaccine. I think just about everyone I know in my age group did get it. I don't remember there being any fear from parents of having us get the vaccine. But I was probably too young to notice if there was.
I always remember one neighbor campaigning against the polio vaccine. I remember her every time I hear the anti vaxers


TUG Review Crew: Expert
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Jun 6, 2005
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I always remember one neighbor campaigning against the polio vaccine. I remember her every time I hear the anti vaxers
I came back to add that I have a friend here who got polio as the vaccine didn't come out in time for her.