My hand/wrist was heavily bandaged with a pressure bandage over the incision for a week. Just my finger tips were showing and I knew to watch them for redness or swelling, which I had none. It bandages were not allowed to get wet so I used a waterproof medical tape to securely tape a bag over my hand & lower arm to shower. I was also instructed to not use that arm to push anything heavy including doors and of course not to lift anything with that hand/arm. I had an appointment with the surgeon a week after surgery. He took the bandages off, examined the incision and decided I needed steri-strips over the area in between the stitches as it wasnt healing as well as he hoped. He put a lighter bandage on and advised me to still keep it dry and no lifting/pushing in case the incision opened up. He said I could remove the 2nd bandage after another week. I think it was about 3-4 weeks before I could comfortably pick up a full kettle or anything of similar weight. The previous pain and numbness were gone right after the surgery, I just had typical post surgery pain which subsided within a few days or a week.
I would think you could comfortably hold a golf club within a month or 2 if you had no complications. My BiL was fishing within a month of his carpal tunnel surgeries. He had both his wrists done at the same time. When he got home from the hospital he realized that my not have been a good idea when he needed to pee! His DW told him he would need to sit down as she wasnt going to 'hold it' for him. I have no idea what he did when he needed to go #2.!