Yeah, since it is a nice Table Rock Lake Resort, availability dries up when summer begins. It is a large, nice, mostly-not-timeshare resort. Only two buildings are timeshare, both having the same lakeview, which is cove-view.
The limited availability is because it is mostly a non-timeshare resort, unlike the larger built-to-be-timeshare ones.
Resorts on the other side of Indian Point (Branson Yacht Club and Indian Point Resort have a big lake view, some of them having the best dam view on the lake
My advice to get what you want through RCI is the same advice I have given for all these years and the same advice I follow myself, search for yourself every day, starting two years out. Different folks have different strokes, but I seem to have confirmed most of our exchanges on Sunday morning, just after Saturday night weekly maintenance on
You can search the next 24 months fairly quickly using the resort ID method (3675), and searching 10 weeks at a time. That will give to a primer in what months it is typical available.
Since I just got a call saying the golf course is closed, I have time to go do that for you, but you should do it for yourself. Something about teaching a person to fish, so that they can then fish for themselves.
That was my last visit before coming here this morning, and I am later than usual because all of us (a dozen or so I think) slept in since it's raining.