Hi everyone I just joing this website, I just bought a sheraton desert oasis gold (I confirmed with Sheraton ) eoy does anyone know how much it is worth ? Also can I request a week and then deposit the requested week at Interval ?
how much should have I paid ? 2 bedroom lockout gold EOY
K, even if you own the 'newer' SDO with the various seasons - as a non SVN resale owner - you should be able to reserve and deposit what you reserve.With the seasonal SDO (the newer one sold by Starwood after 2000), the owner is at the mercy of Starwood in the week deposited. Reserving a good week first and then asking to have it deposited is a good way to try to get a good week. But Starwood theoretically doesn't have to do this for you. They can deposit any week from just about any resort instead.
If you don't own this unit, I would by the way stay away from it. The older SDO (which floats 1-52) is a much better one to own for trading as you can actually pick whatever you want deposited into II! IT trades very well.
edited to say OOPS! - is this a mandatory resort????? If so, ignore what I said!
No, SDO is not mandatory.
Nope - SDO is not mandatory.
Nope! - actually, I guess you COULD refuse to pay the SVN fee - but I just don't see that happening... I am not a lawyer or play one on TVLOL. So we can complicate it even more. So what you are saying is that even if you buy a Vol resort directly from Starwood, you don't have to be in SVN and therefore can deposit the week you reserve or are deeded??
So I can theoretically not ever registed my WMH in SVN and then can get Starwood to deposit my deeded week? That would be a small miracle. I think I will have to try it when my deed closes and see what happens.
No, REALLYOK but if I buy on resale (WMH let's say), then I can't even enter into the SVN program, right (since it's V)? So since I bought WMH resale, I can take control of the week deposited???
Same with the SDO from the OP. If they bought it resale, they can't be in SVN program either (since is Vol too) and theoretically they can have control of the week deposited too.
... buy WMH. It never gets deposited into II by SVN so the demand is great for it during the Spring.