I have an exchange for 2014 for Samoset Resort in Maine and wondering where on the property this unit would be located. RCI lists the unit as 1-A15.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
We will be going to Samoset in June. Our number is SY-28. From other posts I understand this is in the Sycamore building, which is said to be a good location. Sorry, but I have no info on where your unit may be located. Hopefully someone knowledgeable will post. Looking forward to the trip as this looks like a great resort.
You are so right about SY-28 being at Smugglers Notch. We are going to be at both Smugglers Notch and Samoset on the same trip, one week at each. My unit number at Samoset is 3-A8.
What about unit 3-C2? Thanks!
Thanks Theo! We have to wait until June next year...but it's worth the wait!
So, someone will be on top of our unit, true? Does the ground floor still have a view?
We're headed to Samoset (1-C2) for April break. Can't. wait.
We stayed at Tradewinds in Rockland for Feb break, and it whetted our appetite for the area. Can't believe it's only about an hour from home, and we've never explored here! Thinking up meals we can make without an oven (I have 4 kids, so we cook our meals in...much cheaper!) and planning to just relax and enjoy the week!
We're headed to Samoset (1-C2) for April break. <snip>
Hi Theo,
I saw you are an owner at Samoset! My husband and I are thinking of taking a last minute trip the end of January and saw the Samoset has greatly reduced stays (RCI Points member). We have wanted to stay at Samoset for a while (hubby has stayed for golf a couple times in the summer). Will anything be open in January? We are just looking for a relaxing long weekend with good food, a nice room, and pool (we will have our baby with us so activities are limited anyways). Thanks!
I'm not Theo....but we were in that area (Trade Winds Inn in Rockland) for February break last year, and then at the Samoset for April break last year. The indoor pool at the Samoset is great. The restaurant onsite will likely only be open on the weekends. Rockland and Camden both have several places to eat that stay open year round. I would think that you could have a very laid-back vacation. My 4 kids want to go back at some point...we had a wonderful time, even in the dead of winter!
Hi Theo,
I saw you are an owner at Samoset! My husband and I are thinking of taking a last minute trip the end of January and saw the Samoset has greatly reduced stays (RCI Points member). We have wanted to stay at Samoset for a while (hubby has stayed for golf a couple times in the summer). Will anything be open in January? We are just looking for a relaxing long weekend with good food, a nice room, and pool (we will have our baby with us so activities are limited anyways). Thanks!
On property, the health club / fitness center / indoor pool / hot tub / saunas will be open, but I don't know about La Bella Vita restaurant and / or the adjoining bistro, both located on ground level of the Hotel. I'm betting not, but could be mistaken --- it's surely worth a phone call to confirm one way or the other.
I recommend Rustica on Main Street in Rockland for dinner if you like Italian food. Shepherd's Pie in "downtown" Rockport is another dinner spot I recommend; a bit pricey but not outrageous and with a broader menu and open kitchen. Frankly, there are no other local places I'd go out on limb to recommend. I would pass on Cappy's in downtown Camden, but YMMV. Primo in Rockland enjoys widespread acclaim, but the overall atmosphere there is quite "stuffy" and pretentious, at least IMnsHO. Nonetheless, Primo's co-owner Melissa Kelly has a well deserved reputation as a very talented and respected chef.
I had no idea that RCI Points could be used for partial week stays at Samoset, which is all fixed week ownerships (i.e., there are no "floating" week ownerships, no RCI Points ownerships) --- live and learn. If you do go, enjoy!
P.S. If you have any say or choice in the matter, I would recommend that you request a top floor unit (there are only 3 floors in each building, no elevators, but you actually enter the building on the middle floor anyhow, so "top" floor just means going up a single flight of stairs). Top floor units are much quieter, with no one located above you to transmit noise to the unit directly below. All three timeshare buildings are of wood construction, through which occupant noise can (and does) travel quite well and easily. Then again, you'll likely have few (if any) neighbors in late January anyhow, so maybe that's not even a concern.
Thanks missycrews! Trade winds is actually another option I saw. How was that resort? I've read mixed reviews on it, but the location looks great.
Just a quick follow up. I called ahead to request a top floor unit and was given 820. Although it is located at the end of the V shaped building with an angled view of ocean. We liked the unit very much. No worry of people stumping on top of us![]()
We love the resort and the surrounding area. So much to do and see. Would love to come back again sometime in the fall...
I have submitted a TUG review and would be happy to answer questions.