Just looked into renting a week we won't use next year. Have always just used "DIY" with them, but now even the DIY option is requiring agreement to a $99 "success fee" and enabling use of their credit card processing system. Is this new?
This is the VRBO model: Slowly and persistently insert yourself as a middleman between the landlord and tenant.
VRBO was originally a listing service. They have step by step changed to a point that they are fully inserted and taking fees off both sides of the transaction transaction. They watched AirBnB and figured out where the $$ is.
Redweek is now following that exact business strategy. Guaranteed there will be no DIY option within 2 to 3 years.
Yup. And people defend it. Amazing. more generally, it is the TOLLKEEPER model, and market by market, other mkt participants let it happen, like those proverbail frogs in hotter and hotter water.This is the VRBO model: Slowly and persistently insert yourself as a middleman between the landlord and tenant.
I've used Redweek for a long time but the creeping in of additional fees, mandatory services, etc. is making it difficult to like them. I suspect other firms will start creeping into their space. Does anyone have service providers they like better and can you suggest another firm or alternatives?
I wish those worked better for me.TUG listings are free
For now AND it does not appear "optional" to anyone using their "new and improved" posting wizard, which is the default view now. Yes, I'm glad there still exists some option to list without this fee, but it doesn't mean I'm happy with the direction of travel at Redweek.Again: The $99 fee is OPTIONAL! Be sure you read the fine print when you are listing on Redweek.
There's also Vacation Candy, though their reach seems to be limited compared to Redweek.Koala is the only Redweek's competitor, but they are not widely known and they have their own issues.
Apologies Denise, but this is the frog in almost boiling water.I'm not happy about this trend either, but I'm not going to bemoan something that hasn't happened yet.
The do-it-yourself option is still the same as it has been. I get a discounted rate of $30 per ad.
The good thing about verify/ protect for higher-priced rentals is that $99 can be cheaper than taking a credit card through Paypal as a do-it-yourself listing. You also don't have to send a contract. Once a rental is over $3,500, that credit card fee adds up. Not that I am defending RW for their outrageous prices because the renter pays a huge fee for the guaranteed rental.
If only I could get people to pay the Paypal credit card fees.
What Redweek is doing is confusing, but there has been no change in the DIY Basic option. However, infrequent Redweek users or new users, are likely to be mislead into thinking that they have to pay for a more expensive listing option than the lowest price available. That has lead into a lot of confusion on TUG, and that's understandable, because that appears to be Redweek's intention. However, it's incorrect to say the lowest priced option no longer exists - it does - you just have to be sure you select that option.