TUG Member
Anyone have historical (initial) and current pricing on a 2 bedroom EY at Princeville?
It was announced (per salesperson) that there will be a price increase of 18% in three steps prior to May 1, 2008 to $59,900. That is when the resort opens.
I don't think it's mentioned in the reference thread, but we bought right when it went on sale and I believe it was $46K and change.
Just reviewed my notes from Monday's telephone conference with a Starwood sales rep on site. He stated 3 upcoming price increases, 2/15, 4/1 and 5/1 which will raise prices a total of 18%.
And Starwood is raising their prices 18%? I wonder if Starwood execs ever read the news?
5. No half price EOY unless you have purchased a directly from Starwood previously.
You can purchase an EY and have it deeded as 2 EOY's. You would then pay 1/2 price for each EOY.
You can then RETRO 2 resales. One resale for each EOY.
Suggested exactly that stategy, Duke, and response of this rep was:
A.) You can split the EY into 2 EOYs
B.) Only 1 retro, nevertheless.:annoyed:
The surest way for this policy to stick is to give into it. Don't do it!!!
The surest way for this policy to stick is to give into it. Don't do it!!!
Prices have gone up about 6 or 7% in the two years since it went on sale. An 18% price jump in a few months sounds an awful lot like salesman b.s. to me.
Maybe, maybe not.
Starwood has a track record of becoming more aggressive with price increases as its inventory gets short.