As a young kid, raw milk was pretty much what was in our house. My dad was the son of the community butcher, and stayed close to the agricultural community. But when I was perhaps 10-11ish, my pediatrician told Mom that 'the kid' (me) was getting a bit overweight and to cut me back to the dreaded 'skim' milk. Well, that only came pasteurized. So it goes.
My only beef with this and the FDA and all is the restriction on selling cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the US, I've eaten some VERY tasty cheeses in France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy that were produced from unpasteurized milk from cows, sheep, goats and more, that were delicious in ways incomparable to American cheeses. Millions of people in Europe- and even Canada- eat cheeses from unpasteurized milk. And stay healthy.