TS initial salespeople need the same scrutiny as RESALE salespeople
TS initial salespeople are just as dishonest as RESALE salespeople, and maybe even more.
RESALE salespeople tell customers that it's easy to sell an unwanted timeshare and that the amount of money the seller can get will be pretty close to what they paid to the timeshare company in their initial purchase price of the timeshare. Both of these are lies.
Just like the RESALE salespeople, the timeshare company salespeople tell customers these same lies.
1. When the timeshare owner can no longer use their timeshare, it will be easy to sell.
2. The amount of money the timeshare owner will get will be pretty close, if not all, of what they paid to the timeshare company in their initial purchase.
plus one more..
3. They will tell you that if you do have trouble selling your unwanted timeshare, that you can always sell it back to the timeshare company. Not only is this false, but the TS salespeople know that you won't find out it's false until years later when you can no longer use the timeshare, and inquire about selling it back to the timeshare company. And what makes it even worse, is that the amount of money the timeshare salespeople are scamming you for is much, much larger than what the RESALE salespeople are scamming from people.