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II is a mess


TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
Resorts Owned
Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
I've been trying to use II to exchange my 2011 SVV 2 bdrm. What a freaking mess it all is.

Problem #1: It took me 2 weeks for Starwood and II to quit fighting each other over who was to blame for the fact that my SVV 2011 unit didn't show up in II. II said that they needed paperwork from Starwood; Starwood said it was II's fault. After a series of increasingly scathing emails, my unit finally appeared. Twice!

Problem #2: I input a Request First exchange with the first unit listed on "My Units" page. For this I paid ~$150. I spent hours fine-tuning the request, narrowing the list into only Kauai units recommended by Tuggers, and resetting the dates to make sure that it was a Sat/Sun arrival so that it would work with my anticipated 2013 WKORV-N reservation.

Complicating the issue was the quirkiness of II. I'd spend a half an hour entering each week separately, only to find that when I hit "enter," it would reset to a completely different set of dates. And I'd have to start all over again. It was a minor miracle when I got all the dates and units listed correctly.

Problem #3: II won't let me search for an 8 person unit, even though MSC indicates that my 2 bdrm SVV unit sleeps 8. II will only allow me to enter 6 people, which limits my chances of snaring a 2 bdrm.

Problem #4: I checked my account today and it appears that II decided to rectify the fact that they had listed my 2011 SVV unit twice. By deleting the one where I'd spent hours placing a Request First exchange. I'm sure that they'll eventually refund my money, but that doesn't make up for the hours of time I wasted fine-tuning my request -- something that shouldn't be so freaking complicated!

Seriously, II is a terrible system. It's not user friendly at all. It will show something as being available, then when you click on it, it says it's not. It's buggy and unreliable. They have no training on the site as to how to use it. For instance, I still have no idea whether I'm supposed to check in with them every day to see if my Request First entry snared an exchange or whether they'll email me with the news. Or if I'll have an opportunity to reject one should I change my mind.

II sucks.


TUG Member
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Westchester County, NY
Welcome to the world of II! I also have been having trouble with II's glitchiness that I bit the bullet this year and paid the extra $20 to have a rep place the dates and places for exchange instead of placing my requests online like usual because like you said the dates keep changing, availabilty was constantly fluctuating, and at times I couldn't even view exchange availability at all. Fed up, I had II do it and suddenly, everything was right in the world. Yes it cost me an extra $20, but it sure was worth it. The time saved with no further frustration--priceless!

I hope II gets everything sorted out for you and you end up getting your exchange without any more hassles.



TUG Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
To save the $20, place a request for an impossible week like new year's at westin maui, then call the reps over the phone and add the dates and resorts you really need.


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
"Seriously, II is a terrible system. It's not user friendly at all. It will show something as being available, then when you click on it, it says it's not. It's buggy and unreliable. They have no training on the site as to how to use it."

You can't get a 2013, not 2012, reservation to link up with a home resort SVN 2013 reservation you can't even make for 2 more months - at the very least?

That's where TUG comes in. It teaches owners of voluntary units who bought with no intention of ever going to their resort (and now have no other use alternatives but renting out or dumping ownership) how to use II.

Be thankful you have II and the Starwood preference for WPORV. The II system might be quirky and difficult to use. However, II almost always works well in the end and it's pretty much all you have.

Relax! It's still 2011! You can't reserve anything for 2013 using II unless something for 2013 has already been deposited in II. I'm sure you'll find something acceptable on II for Kauai in plenty of time for 2013 use. ... eom


TUG Review Crew: Elite
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Jun 6, 2005
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The Centennial State
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Wyndham Founder; Disney OKW & SSR; Marriott's Willow Ridge and Shadow Ridge,Grand Chateau; Val Chatelle; Hono Koa OF (3); SBR(LOTS), SDO a few; Grand Palms(selling); WKORV-OF ,Westin Desert Willow.
Search for a six-person occupancy will almost always get a 2 bedroom.

I am tired of II issues as they relate to Starwood only. It's as though II and Starwood decided to make sure we would get less exchanges than we could before, plus there is no way to distinguish any week from another with the same unit type, such as SBP 2 bedroom standard. So which one is that 2 bed Standard, when you own multiple units? No account numbers on those units, which would help greatly. We own several of those.

Case in point: I deposited 3 two bedroom SBP this year, because I couldn't rent them, so I went to confirm an exchange to Harborside (2 bed), and I used one of my weeks for it, and II sent me an email saying they could not confirm my deposit. Really? I deposited three of them and only need to use ONE of them. How can friggin' tell which one to use? Starwood was nice enough, as those people who answer the phones generally are, but I am sick of this incestuous relationship.

I am happy with my Blue Ridge Village week, which is the only one I have in II right now, besides my 2 bedrooms at SBP, and my EOY lockoff 2 bed at SDO. Sold everything else.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
It took me 2 weeks for Starwood and II to quit fighting each other over who was to blame for the fact that my SVV 2011 unit didn't show up in II.

Did you:

1) Register the SVV week with your II Acct.
2) Then after it was showing in your online Acct. as being registered, call Starwood and ask them to deposit it?

Registering and depositing are 2 different steps.

resetting the dates to make sure that it was a Sat/Sun arrival so that it would work with my anticipated 2013 WKORV-N reservation.

Complicating the issue was the quirkiness of II. I'd spend a half an hour entering each week separately, only to find that when I hit "enter," it would reset to a completely different set of dates. And I'd have to start all over again. It was a minor miracle when I got all the dates and units listed correctly.

This is the standard default with II - all requests automatically default to the Thursday before the date you request. The only way to change that is to call II AFTER you put in your request and stipulate that you only want a Sat. or Sun. check-in.

For instance, I still have no idea whether I'm supposed to check in with them every day to see if my Request First entry snared an exchange or whether they'll email me with the news. Or if I'll have an opportunity to reject one should I change my mind.

They will send you an email when you get a match, and you will have 24 hours to reject it with no penalty. However, the 24 hours starts when the email is sent - not when you receive it. Also - the subject line on the email is often very vague and easy to overlook. My last confirmations was labeled like this and I overlooked it:

From: Customer Service Subject: Confirmation Number 1234567

Because of that, it's a good idea to also check your II account every day.

For more info. about II, see the Exchange Co. sticky at the top of the Exchanging forum, and at the top of this forum, the Owner Resources Sticky - http://www.tugbbs.com/forums/showthread.php?p=672349#post672349
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
I occassionally get the "unit not available" message when I book something, but it always confirms after I hit refresh. You have to hit refresh on II's site a lot -- it comes with the territory!!

I haven't received a confirmation for my last two instant exchanges. I get the first email that says the week must be verified (even if it's been verified already) ... but never get the second confirmation email. However, the next day, the exchange appears in the Exchange History as confirmed and we now have the ability to request an emailed confirmation from the history screen (you used to have to call). We can add guest certificates online now too -- big improvement.

I'm not making excuses for them -- it is a glitchy site and the Starwood situation makes it FAR more complicated than it needs to be. But, for the most part, I think it's a matter of getting used to the workarounds. It's still the best bang for your buck for trading purposes -- glitches and all.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
Relax! It's still 2011! You can't reserve anything for 2013 using II unless something for 2013 has already been deposited in II. I'm sure you'll find something acceptable on II for Kauai in plenty of time for 2013 use. ... eom

This is not correct - Lisa wants to have her on-going request in place BEFORE the deposits start coming in, and we know that some resorts, including Starwood, can and do deposit inventory to II MORE than 12 mos. out from check-in.

She has a much higher chance of success if her on-going requests are already in place before the deposits come in.

Also, she wants to get her II trade FIRST so she can make her Starwood reservation during the owner's preference period to match up with it, so she is using the right strategy.


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
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DeniseM, ... I understand the concept of I want what I want and I want it now! But, it makes life far more frustrating than it needs to be.

And I predict, with the help and suggestions of TUG members (including yours in post #6 above), she will get what she wants through II for 2013 far in advance of 2013. ... eom


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
DeniseM, ... I understand the concept of I want what I want and I want it now! But, it makes life far more frustrating than it needs to be.

I have no idea what you are talking about - the rest of use are discussing the best STRATEGY to use, and the best strategy to use is putting your request in as early as possible.

Of course your whole purpose in responding was to get in a few digs about resale owners and II traders - I get that. :zzz:
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TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
Resorts Owned
Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
I did everything that I was supposed to do when I first got my SVV unit. I got emails from both parties claiming that I'd successfully deposited my unit. However, it never appeared on the "My Units" page, so I couldn't do anything with it. After a half dozen phone calls, with finger pointing on both sides, it finally appeared...twice!

FYI, both of my units are mandatory units. I wanted to use the Request First feature in II so I could use my 2011 unit for a 2013 visit to Hawaii. And I had it all set (finally!) so that when WPORV or WKORV were deposited, I'd get a fill. That's the CBA (current best approach) to getting the exchange I want. Unfortunately, II screwed up my request by deleting the one that had the exchange attached to it, after charging me the exchange fee, of course.

I'm honestly amazed that II has no primer on its site which explains things more clearly. Without Tug, I'd be completely lost trying to deal with the Starwood intricasies in II.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
Hi Lisa -

Question - Is the SVV week in your Starwood II Acct.?

Under the 2009 rules, all Starwood/II requests are "request first" now.

Were you able to get your requests set up again? Just ignore the dates if they are wrong, and call II after you are done and tell them you only want a Sat. or Sun. check-in. Unfortunately, even though they can change it - it won't show that they've changed in in your online Acct. - dumb I know! You might ask the Rep. if he will send you an email verifying that he has changed the default.

By planning so early - I think you will get something!

Good luck! :hi:
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TUG Member
Dec 12, 2008
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Tampa, FL
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SVRx3 SBP Worldmark
Problem #3: II won't let me search for an 8 person unit, even though MSC indicates that my 2 bdrm SVV unit sleeps 8. II will only allow me to enter 6 people, which limits my chances of snaring a 2 bdrm.

Lisa and all...

I had this explained to me once that they list only the number of people the unit sleeps privately for the exchange and all 2BR are considered alike from the "size" perspective. With this request in you should get all 2 BR units.

I am sorry to hear about your other issues. True pains many of us have experienced.


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
"and the best strategy to use is putting your request in as early as possible. Of course your whole purpose in responding was to get in a few digs about resale owners and II traders"

No quarrel with the strategy of starting early. No quarrel with resale owners using II trading at all. II and the Starwood preference make it possible to increase exponentially the enjoyment of owning at a voluntary Starwood resort. That's good!

The quarrel is with the attitude that if II doesn't work perfectly the first time you try it with a resale unit, "II sucks."

II could have a less quirky, more efficient and better documented reservation system, but II does not suck. There are great II trades reported here all the time. And, pretty soon, the OP will be reporting back how well she did on II in getting that 2013 trade to Kauai. In life, you shouldn't always expect instant gratification. ... eom


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
Do you have to register your starwood week with II every year?

No - the registration is permanent as long as you have a II Acct. - But you do have to deposit it each time.

Antonio 8069

TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Apr 10, 2011
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What is your point of comparison?

- When I deposit a week with RCI, and don't manage to get the exchange I requested, my home resort week is returned to me. With RCI, you forfeit it;
Hmmm.. please clarify
- If I decide to cancel an exchange request with II, the exchange fee is credited to my credit card. With RCI, the $$ is forfeited;
I don't think this is correct - unless you have already MADE the exchange.
But let's get real about our expectations! You don't wait until October to request an exchange for December!

She wants an exchange in 2013... not December...
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Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
Antonio - I'm so sorry - I accidentally clicked "edit" instead, of "quote" to post my response. Since the windows look exactly the same, I didn't realize it until it was too late to correct it. My error - my apologies.
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TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
I've had trouble with II & an exchange request. I wanted a specific week at a Marriott resort and the II rep was able to limit the request to the exact week. However about a month later I was checking the request online and the dates had been changed to a much broader period.

Then at a later date the request was cancelled completely. I called & asked why it had been cancelled. They claimed I called & requested the cancellation. No way! They were able to tell me the exact date & time the request was cancelled. It matched a call I made to book another exchange over the phone. The rep asked me about my ongoing request and asked if I wanted to make any changes. I said "no, don't change anything on that request! I want it left exactly like it is!" I recall the conversation very clearly, but apparently the rep decided to cancel the entire request.

Antonio 8069

TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Antonio - I'm so sorry - I accidentally clicked "edit" instead, of "quote" to post my response. My error - my apologies.

Denise, this is the 2nd time you have confused your role as member and moderator. IF you apology is to be believed, I suggest your post my original message WITHOUT your edits!


TUG Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Washington, DC
No - the registration is permanent as long as you have a II Acct. - But you do have to deposit it each time.

So, I have 2 SDO 2012 weeks. When I deposit them, do I have to call Starwood? And after I deposit them, is that when they show up in II? Right now, my II account only shows SDO 2011 weeks.

I thought they had changed the system so you could do a request first without actually depositing the week into II? :confused: I agree that this system is overly confusing.


TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
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Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
My 2011 WKORV-N 2 bdrm lockoff shows up in II even though I neither asked that it be deposited nor have it available to be deposited (since I exhausted the SOs associated with it back in 2010).

Would it be so hard for them to just list all your Starwood VOIs, and allow you to select which unit/side you want to play around with? The impetus would be on you to know which weeks you've used already. You could do searches and request exchanges, etc. If, and only if, you complete an exchange (either via Instant Search or Request First) would this trigger an email to be sent to Starwood for them to verify that that week/unit is available to deposit. And at that time, they charge you the exchange fee.


TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Mar 10, 2007
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'burbs of Cincinnati, OH
Resorts Owned
Used to own: WKORV-N; SVV - Bella
Oh, it only gets better!

Just this minute, I received an Exchange confirmation for WPORV for... (drum roll, please) August 26-September 2, 2012. I guess this was Customer Service's way of responding to my email that they need to restore my request or refund my money.

Too bad my exchange request was for January 2013. :rofl:

The good news is that I did get a 2 bdrm unit!
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Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
Denise, this is the 2nd time you have confused your role as member and moderator. IF you apology is to be believed, I suggest your post my original message WITHOUT your edits!

Antonio - If it were possible, I would have already corrected it, but there is no way to do it.

My mistake was purely an accident - I was trying to quote you. When I click on "edit" or "quote" the same window pops up, and I didn't notice that it was the "edit" window until it was too late. You are welcome to repost any points that are missing.

Since I am both a member and a moderator - there is no confusion on my part. As long as I don't break the TUG posting rules, I may respond to any post that I want - any way that I want.
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Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, CA
Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim) NEW: 3 Lawa'i Beach Resort!
So, I have 2 SDO 2012 weeks. When I deposit them, do I have to call Starwood?

Yes - floating 2012 weeks could have been deposited as early as Jan. 1, 2011. EVERY time you want to "designate your timeshare for exchange," you must call Starwood to do it.

And after I deposit them, is that when they show up in II? Right now, my II account only shows SDO 2011 weeks.

Since the II/Starwood rules changes in 2009, Starwood does not actually deposit a week, so you will never see the actual week that you "designate for exchange." You will only see a place holder with the current year's date. It's really stupid, but that's how they do it. In other words, you can't look at your account and see what you have deposited. Whether you make a deposit or not, the current year's place holder will show. I recommend that you save all the emails you receive when you make your deposits to document the deposits. That's why I like to use mystarcentral.com to deposit, because it automatically generates a detailed receipt.

I thought they had changed the system so you could do a request first without actually depositing the week into II? :confused: I agree that this system is overly confusing.

ALL Starwood requests are "request first" now - unless you own a TRUE fixed week. Remember that under the current system your week is only, "designated for exchange," not actually deposited, so you don't lose your week until an exchange is made. That means that you can get your week back, if an exchange is not made.