I am an enrolled weeks owner and want to use II to exchange my Breckenridge unit for next year. I went on MVC to "use" my week, and it gave me the option to occupy, the option for II- Owner's Deposit and the option for II - Marriott Deposit. I suspect I want to do Owner's Deposit if I can get a good week to exchange (which I'm pretty sure I can - President's Week in Colorado). But to do that, I have to wait until 12 months, and I'm concerned that the units that come up at the 13-month mark will be gone by the time I get my exchange done (I'm trying to go in January or February of 2026 to the Caribbean).
Any advice? Should I go ahead a let Marriott deposit a not-so-great Platinum week (March, for example) for me, or should I hold out for the best possible trading week and do the Owner's Deposit? Will it make much of a difference? I could also do an Owner's Deposit of MLK week (available now), which would probably be a good trade. Would that be better than whatever Marriott would deposit for me?
And is Owner's Deposit the correct way to do this? Or is there a way that I should use by selecting "occupy" and then using the II website to exchange. I suspect Marriott doesn't allow that anymore now that they own II?
Sorry for the confusing post - too many choices, and absolutely no help from Marriott. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Any advice? Should I go ahead a let Marriott deposit a not-so-great Platinum week (March, for example) for me, or should I hold out for the best possible trading week and do the Owner's Deposit? Will it make much of a difference? I could also do an Owner's Deposit of MLK week (available now), which would probably be a good trade. Would that be better than whatever Marriott would deposit for me?
And is Owner's Deposit the correct way to do this? Or is there a way that I should use by selecting "occupy" and then using the II website to exchange. I suspect Marriott doesn't allow that anymore now that they own II?
Sorry for the confusing post - too many choices, and absolutely no help from Marriott. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!