Have you contacted the Exploria business office and asked about your options? Some resort systems have a deedback program, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, where you give the timeshare back to the HOA. I'd suggest you start there. They may also have a payment plan option to help you get things back on track.
If you're already in Collections, it may be too late. See below:
If that fails, and paying off the loan isn't an option, then bankruptcy may be the solution you are seeking. Yes, your credit would take a hit for a time, but eventually it will recover. As long as you aren't in dire straits otherwise, and don't need instant good credit, you may find it's the simplest resolution. (I once sold a business to someone who never paid me for it, and she destroyed the enterprise. I was forced to file a bankruptcy to get out of the debts created by her in my name. It took a few years to recover, but I survived, and I'm fine now. I lost nothing except the bad debt - kept my car, house, etc.) Bankruptcy options exist for a reason. Explore them (I suggest Chapter 7, which dissolves the debt.)
Good luck!