My recorded deed has been sent to Marriott together with the resort transfer fee on June 24.
What happens next normally?
Will they notify me vie eMail when they have my purchased unit in their system?
Or will I have to wait until they send me a "welcome package" via sneak mail (which will probably take more than a week to Germany)
Or is there a way just to try to register online on their website like you can do in mystarcentral for Starwood before you received anything via mail?
My recorded deed has been sent to Marriott together with the resort transfer fee on June 24.
What happens next normally?
Will they notify me vie eMail when they have my purchased unit in their system?
Or will I have to wait until they send me a "welcome package" via sneak mail (which will probably take more than a week to Germany)
Or is there a way just to try to register online on their website like you can do in mystarcentral for Starwood before you received anything via mail?