Wolfgheist: Look at it this way: A Christmas trip to Hawaii for a family of 4 could easily cost $5,000 for airfare and another $5,000 for car rental, dining out, activities, groceries, presents, fees and incidentals. Can you save $10,000 every year to make a Christmas trip to Hawaii? Or will you be putting it on a credit card?
My point is that traveling is expensive, and the fact that you want to finance a resale timeshare may indicate that you have champagne tastes and a beer budget. We were all there once, but you may want to re-think your strategy and start with a more budget friendly timeshare. Suggestion: Acquire a free timeshare on the TUG Free Timeshare Forum, within driving distance of your home, and take timesharing for a test-drive before you finance a big commitment.