Sheryl, I'm a RE Broker in FL and in the standard exclusive right of sale (listing contract) document that we use, there's a space to add or not as the case may be, a monetary amount of compensation to the broker if the seller decides to take it off the market before the listing expires. Do you have this in yours? Down here, no-one signs a listing agreement for such a short length of time, 60 days, especially in this market. Most people sign up for 180 days. However, there's nothing to stop you renting your property whilst it is listed for sale as long as your realtor is aware of the situation, so she can share this information with potential buyers. Of course, unless she has someone wanting to buy it for investment purposes, no-one will want to wait until May 2009, which makes it impossible for her to sell it. Maybe your options should have been studied before signing the listing agreement, sell or rent. However, to touch on a point brought up by Patri, and again depending on the type of listing agreement you have signed, if these people that you may rent to decided to buy it and it was during the time frame of the listing agreement and/or the grace period after expiration, you would be responsible for paying a commission to your realtor. Depends what you signed.
Please make sure you're careful about who you're renting to. I'm sure there are as many horror stories out there as there are success ones.