I’m looking at purchasing WR a 2br lockoff platinum season for a trader in II. Mf are lower but I do know we will spend a week in Fl every year. Would it be worth the higher fee at GV or is the Orlando market so full having search set up 10-12 months out is not an issue to get a Marriott there or even another nice time share on the last minute deals and use the trade for our summer trips. Would WR be a disadvantage over GC as a trader due to its location or do all available show up as long as it’s a 150 TDI. Lastly, with many locations only having a 2br anyone here split there lock off and use both to get the same week to get the extra space. 3br is what we need for now but a 2br and studio even if they weren’t together would work for us. Just want to be as educated as I can on before purchasing. The plan is once purchased to use to the max value.
I would concur. Use the studio to trade back into Orlando and the 1BR for something else no matter what you decide including buying in Orlando. The only issue I see with WR & Harbour Lake, are that they are Premier not elite so if your other trade requests might require the higher resort quality, that might steer you to GC or GV. HI, SC July, Aruba Platinum and the like.
Don't get too enamored with the TDI because this is not standardized across markets though I do believe that overall a 150 in Branson, LV & Orlando are all fairly close. I have come to the opinion that Orlando is a little higher. I reached that conclusion before the occurrence I mention below. I looked at RCI's TPU's and rental prices for Branson, LV & Orlando Platinum (basically week 26) and also for CA desert Gold (top TDI week). My conclusion was that the Gold CA desert and Orlando should have about the same trade power and that Branson & LV should have a lower trade power but roughly equal to each other. I did not use the week 51 holiday week at LV though. I do also believe that there is quite a bit of difference based on the resort ratings.
Jeremy, it was actually a WR 2 BR that was week 26 and deposited about 14 months out with a pending request. The GV studio AND 1BR were deposited much later (and under 12 months out) and both pulled a 2 BR at MGO over the 2 BR at WR.
Ultimately my recommendation is to consider these issues and where one wants to trade to then keep an open mind across the options one decides to consider within this group. I might add Manor Club Sequel only in there as well and CA Desert Platinum. Just consider the price and fees. I know some are enamored with the 3 BR at GC & GV but my opinion is that two 2BR are probably better for most than a single 3 BR for most people. Whether the CA desert is worth the extra yearly fees depends on other factors. If one is flexible esp not needing a 2 BR and not tied to the school calendar, WR should be fine.