Hi. We're trying to exit our TMVC (Marriott Vacation Club). We bought Vistana a while back before they were acq by Marriott. The loan's paid off, and we now are dealing with some outstanding maintenance fees. Any advice on how to negotiate down the outstanding $? Ideally would like to pay nothing but would take any advice for any tactics to lower it. Thanks.
Assuming your Vistana is the only one that I know of, the one in Orlando, you may be in luck.
Here's an amazing review of timeshare laws that Grammarhero posted about five years ago:
According to Grammarhero, an attorney and fellow timeshare owner, if the timeshare is in Florida:
"FL, inaction or non-objection results in estate, anti-deficiency foreclosure, but objection leads to judicial, deficiency action"
As I understand it, in Florida, if the timeshare entity wants to foreclose, its only option is to do a non-judicial foreclosure UNLESS YOU OBJECT. Since no judgment arises from a non-judicial foreclosure, and since Florida does not allow for recovery after such non-judicial foreclosure, you're off scot-free, baby! No deficiency judgment for non-payment of anything can ever be entered against you.
However, if you object to their prospective non-judicial foreclosure ("you crooks lied to me and I'll sue you back", "I don't owe as much as you say", etc.), then a judge needs to be called upon to review all aspects of the case. Judicial involvement means judgment and potential deficiency judgment for unpaid mortgage, unpaid maintenance fees, unpaid late and other administrative fees, attorney's fees, etc.
So, you can do what you like, but if it were me, I would call them and say "my financial situation has changed and I can't afford to pay my maintenance fees. I'd be willing to sign the deed back over to you". And see what they say. If they start threatening you, you might make them aware that you were told that all they can do in Florida is get the timeshare back, which you're willing to do without the resort having to go through legal proceedings.
They might be a tad negotiable at that point.
Of course, this all assumes that Grammarhero's research was spot on (as it appears to me to have been) and that the law hasn't changed from five years ago. Even if the law has changed, it shouldn't have changed for owners who bought prior to then. After all, you bought with the thorough knowledge of Florida timeshare law at the time, and that's why you bought in the first place.