My daughter was a Girl Scout, so I feel obliged to buy at least one box.
Yes, absolutely. Rick will be buying at least 10, half of them Samoas. This is about supporting Girl Scouts, not about the "expensive cookies." Anything kids sell for schools, church, etc., is going to be more expensive than what you would pay at the grocery store for similar things.
Ask me about butter braids, which our granddaughter sells every year for school. Fattening things. Delicious, and my cinnamon rolls are way better, but I paid to buy them. Why?
What about paying for kids to do laps around a small grassy area as a fundraiser for school? I said I would give $1.00 per lap, then I went and saw the lap was very small. I paid $35 X 2 kids for their laps. Our grandson did way more laps, but I promised $1.00 per lap or max of $35. I was one of the biggest contributers to that little fundraiser.
I can get a better deal on popcorn than what the Boy Scouts charge, but I buy from the Boy Scouts, too, and I don't have any grandkids in Boy Scouts.
People say they would rather donate $10 and not buy the cookies, but they don't really mean it.