So there is no way I can convert 7000 club points to RCI points and then use them? there is is no conversion rate of 1 HGVC point to X RCI points?
The points have changed. When HFV bought out Diamond, they multiplied thr HGVC points by 1.6 to align with the former DRI system. I’m not sure if you multiply the above points by 1.6, but those points would be low.Also, is there a limit to using RCI? I was looking at December for Honolulu and there seems to be a block of the max of 3 days for a single booking.
Which resort were you looking at? I'm not aware of a restriction.Also, is there a limit to using RCI? I was looking at December for Honolulu and there seems to be a block of the max of 3 days for a single booking.
Which resort were you looking at? I'm not aware of a restriction.
That is not an RCI or HGVC restriction, that is the resort only depositing three nights into the exchange company.These are the only ones available in December. It is not much of a deal using points. You have to pay $299 in RCI fees for only 3 days and it is around $160 to book the rooms without points, lol.
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