What do you mean by suggestions? The person who has the timeshare spent a few weeks in Hawaii. When he came back, it was past the time he could rescind it. He couldn’t get the loan he needs to pay it off along with other personal issues. Will his bad credit or the defaulted time share affect his children if he passes? Thanks.
I used 'suggestions' as a euphemism for 'threats'. The defaulting party can expect letters and calls, but ''Vito and Max' won't show up on the doorstep to break knees. We can't know Canadian laws regarding property succession after a death, but in the US, one doesn't have to accept a bequest- especially of near worthless (like timeshares) assets.
We think that defaulting will ultimately result in the timeshare simply being sold at some point, and no further mark on the Canadian credit report. We have asked many earlier questioners to return with the results of our advice, and they have either said, 'Thanks', or simply not returned. We have to assume that they got the desired result. 'Out'.
You are asking questions that we are just not equipped to answer. If you have further questions, I think you should engage legal representation with experience in Canadian consumer debt.