There are currently at least 376 Vacation Village weeks available for free on Timeshare Nation, going by those names I recognize. Those are weeks that the owner is willing to foot the bill for transfer to a new owner and in many cases the maintenance fees for the next year. Every time I go to a sales presentation at a Vacation Village resort, I bring a print out of the stuff that's available for free - it tends to shorten the time I spend there. When I owned at The Colonies and at VV Williamsburg, I saw in the budgets that the delinquency rate was around 15% - despite those being decent trading weeks in Interval, that prompted me to divest those weeks to someone else wanting to use them for exchanges. They were good summer weeks, which I don't see available at TSN. I wouldn't hold my breath hoping that Vacatia will decide that taking deed backs for free is in their best interest as a business because it would result in the maintenance fees coming out of their bottom line profits and not being borne by the remaining owners in the HOA budget. It would be nice for folks desiring to divest if VV took deed backs under Vacatia's ownership, I don't really see the incentives lining up to make that happen.
The annoying thing to me about the whole situation is that I was paying for an extra 15% of resort usage that I wasn't getting. The old Massanutten trading power boost program at least gave folks paying their maintenance fees early some extra usage, which seems a fairer way of dealing with the problem since they were already paying for it anyway. It would be nice if that were started up again.