I don't know if anyone realizes this or even uses the method I was taught by Wyndham Sales Representatives of cancelling your reservation once you enter your upgrade window and rebooking it to get a discount on the points you had to spend on that reservation. I am a Platinum member and I saved 50% of my points all the time. Because of the auto upgrade feature if I attempt to use the same strategy their is a 99.9% possibility that I will lose that room. So now the buying power of my points have decreased by 50% and so now I can settle for half the vacation time I used to take or book the smallest room possible to squeak out more weeks. Is anyone frustrated or pissed off about this or is it just me? I hope that I am not the only one. I fell like I was sold a bill of goods in that the sales department promoted a benefit and then someone decided to take it away. My money is already spent, my membership paid in full. This is not fair and I suspect not even legal and if so what other benefit are they promoting to get you to buy or upgrade that they will renege on?