We have had very mixed experiences with owners tours at WKORV as well but we always do it to hear the latest and the bonus SPG. The last go round we actually had a pretty good rep who was a semi-retired tech salesperson and he only did owners updates. He was very low-key, asked good questions and actually listened to our answers instead of hearing what he wanted to hear. It really is luck of the draw but I'm amazed there isn't more consistency in their ability to go "off-script."
A hallmark of a good sales organization is their ability to identify common objections and deliver a legitimate solution to overcome those concerns. In my instance, I always ask about SPG devaluation, dramatic MF increases, and sagging resale prices, etc... I almost never get a satisfactory answer (not that there really is one for some of these) but they could at least try to honestly address them. The more they get asked these questions, the more that sales management is going to hear "I can't get past the SPG devaluation as a buyer objection" and the more they are going to have to take an honest look at correcting the problem (or at least admitting this is a benefit in decline).