1/2 reward?
Hi Perry;
Did you receive it and it was only 3 pages. I kept getting stuck, but it finally went through.
Any thoughts on what the differances are? I'll give you back the $25 for your opinion.
Hi Andy,
I got the 3 pages, but it’s a little confusing.
“WorldMark, The Club, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation (Club), and TrendWest Resorts, Inc. an Oregon corporation (TRI), agree to sell to the undersigned Owner 12,000 Vacation Credits as a
Standard Ownership in the Club, and Owner agrees to purchase and hold the Vacation Credits and Ownership in the following terms and conditions. By initializing here (initials: ______), Owner elects the
Premier Ownership option and TrendWest agrees to waive the additional fee of $???? (Redacted)
So it looks like Wyndham (TrendWest sold out to them) is converting the Standard Membership to a Premier Membership. The sales document is dated 3/8/07.
Now it does talk about Standard ownership and Premier ownership in later paragraphs. It’s confusing.
The owner needs to clarify what Wyndham is doing.
If it was a Standard ownership and is now being converted to a Premier ownership I don’t know if my $25 reward applies. If the Standard ownership is passed on then I do owe you $25.
This is a big point to the seller too. The seller needs to find out what is happening.
If it is a conversion from Standard to Premier ownership that’s great for the buyer and means that WN is retiring Standard ownerships.
If true, I will gladly pay $12.50 (1/2 my $25 reward). I am happy to do so – I have proof positive that Standard ownerships are being converted to Premier ownerships and this is great news. I have a rare document - maybe worth big bucks on eBay.
So if you can ask the seller to call WN and confirm this I will open my bank vault and get ready to send you the money.