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A question of being confused...


TUG Member
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I have to admit to being a bit stumped by the different timeshare systems and the points associated with them. I know some systems such as Marriott don't have any points associated with them whilst others such as Starwood do (but only for internal exchange purposes) and then others are pure points systems. My main problem is I can't find a definitive listing anywhere of which sytems fall into which of these categories - can anyone help? Thanks!


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
One thing to keep in mind is "points" tend to be the currency of whatever program they associated with. Like any currency, the value varies depending on the country (or this case system) using it.

Thus Hilton won't line up with Disney, and will be different from RCI and so on. There may be conversion tables and such...which makes it all the more confusing. The best advice is to identify a resort or system of resorts you'd like to stay at and then learn it's system, preferably before you buy and see if you can use it the way you expect.


Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Lifetime Member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Points aren't automatically better

One thing to keep in mind is "points" tend to be the currency of whatever program they associated with. Like any currency, the value varies depending on the country (or this case system) using it.

Thus Hilton won't line up with Disney, and will be different from RCI and so on. There may be conversion tables and such...which makes it all the more confusing. The best advice is to identify a resort or system of resorts you'd like to stay at and then learn it's system, preferably before you buy and see if you can use it the way you expect.

Absolutely correct. And there is not much worse than a points based system with either only a few resorts or a few locations. If you have to go out to RCI or II to get to most places the points system - based on internal and usually no or very low cost trades - has very little value. Anything less than 100 self-operated or affiliated resorts and there just isn't much there.

While RCI week for week trades had problems the shear quantity and locations of resorts was not one of them. The problem was creating a like for like trade when there were so many variables. Points solves that by assigning points value based on quality, location, unit size, time of year, etc but most points based systems - except for the very largest 1/2 dozen - lack any great amount of choices within the system. Believe it or not people DO want to go places besides Orlando, Las Vegas and Hawaii although looking at some of the points systems you wouldn't think so.