Barto ....Here's the rest of the story
Management was not the problem with Banff Gate Mountain Resort (BGMR), the problem was with the board and it's lawyer (who is a member also, but has never disclosed that little fact to the membership).
The previous management before Grand Pacific Resort Management (GPRM) was only allowed to spend $5,000 per year , that's it. To spend more Management needed board approval. Previous management had tried requesting money to fix problems, but those request never made it to board meetings, they were blocked by a couple of board members.
GPRM is no longer managing BGMR as of Jan 01, 2016. BGMR has, again, had to hire another Management Company.
Management does not provide/buy flood insurance, the Association does.
The Big Flood, as the Association Board likes to call it, only caused damage to the water pond ($112k claimed) (they don't pump water from the pond anyway, they buggered up the intake from the pond so now they get it up stream and pump it down to the intake shack and from there up to the water treatment plant), insulation in the crawl spaces of the Chalets ($40k claimed), Chalet 18 flooring/furnace ($8k claimed), the road leading into the Resort ($15k claimed), Loss mitigation ($20k claimed) and business interruption ($180k claimed). They Claimed just over $350k and have received $326k to date and are waiting for $24k to be paid.
The horrendous condition of Resort up to and after the flood was due to a lack of maintenance, which is the sole responsibility of the Association Board. It was not management's fault and it certainly was not caused by the flood. The flood did minimal damage to the resort, but listening to board they make it sound like it was the only reason for all the needed repairs which were supposedly discovered after the flood. In reality the board (again just a couple of board members) knew all about the needed repairs before the flood but did nothing. So again the much needed repair where known about for years, but the board used the flood as an excuse to hid their past failure to act.
If 4 directors hadn't brought forward the past failures of the board and true condition of the resort to the the membership in 2012/2013, the resort would most likely be shut down today. By getting this information out the board was finally forced to act, thus the extra $411 a year in maintenance fees for the past 2 years and most likely the next 5+ years. But according to the board they only found out about these issues after the flood. What a pile of do do.
This resort may never recover and if it does, it's going to cost a pile of money. As of today I'm still a member but as for the future I will not be renewing my membership for 2016 and beyond. I've had enough.