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[ 2006 ] WorldMark No House Keeping account on eBay!!!!


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Boca Raton, FL
Re: WorldMark No House Keeping account on eBay!!!!

cotraveller said:
I find this a most interesting thread.

If you browse the various threads on the forum you will read that timeshare companies often blatantly ignore the written rules and regulations that they are supposed to follow. The owner’s interpretation of those rules and regulations is correct, the company is wrong, and legal action should be pursued if necessary to force the company to comply with the rules and regulations in the written documents.

If you browse through this thread you will read that it is ok for an owner to sign a document (or assume that document through a purchase on the resale market) that includes a statement that he will not do something and then turn around and do that something. Once again the owner’s interpretation of the document is right and the company is wrong. If necessary, attempts by the company to enforce the clause in the signed contract should be met with legal action.

The clause in the Vacation Owner Agreement does not state that the company (WorldMark and/or Trendwest in this case) represents that the purchase is or is not an investment. Irregardless of how you choose to interpret it, it does not mention the company. It specifically states that the owner represents that he is not purchasing for financial profit. A purchase which follows a suggestion such as “If you plan to flip the account just keep it as a separate account, buy more credits and make it a larger account, then sell it” would appear to be a purely profit motivated purchase and in violation of that clause.

Concerning the quote from the World Mark guidelines about rentals, the last sentence, “Owners shall not charge any fee in cases where rental is prohibited by local law or restriction, or in cases that the Club Board determines are not in the best interests of the Club” (emphasis in bold added) provides an exclusion to that guideline. But then again what is “in the best interests of the Club” is subject to interpretation and the Club will undoubtedly be wrong again. :)

As I said, a most interesting thread. But don’t take any of this too seriously. I was just illustrating that there is nearly always a potential hiccup in any idea or plan. Things are seldom strictly black and white.

Your interpretation of the intent of that clause is incorrect. I've already stated why.

What is more important than literal words in documents is actual practice and behavior. Trendwest and owners have been renting and profiting from their ownerships for years. Just look at eBay at all the profiting. And, Trendwest has been a very active party to these activities. Just check out the credit rental board on WM4M. So, whether or not they are in writing and whether or not your interpretation is correct, is irrelevant. Trendwest knows it, promotes it and it benefits from the activities. So, it leaves it alone. And, the owners benefit from it as well, so all parties are not incented to do anything about it.

Just look at Fairfield. For years, they allowed VIP owners to book discounted reservations and rent them. Now, they try to reverse that practice by stating that this is just enforcement of the existing rules. Guess what happened? The owner revolt made them back track and put it back in place.

That was an example of written rules that were violated and left alone and when it was convenient for FF to make VIP sales. When that was done and it cost more than the benefit, they tried to pull it unsuccessfully.

So, not only is your interpretation of the intent of the clause incorrect, your interpretation of its relevance is greatly overstated as well.


TUG Member
Jul 15, 2005
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DC Suburban
Re: Uncle Sam

cotraveller said:
13: Non-Investment Purchase.Owner represents that Owner is purchasing Vacation Credits for the purpose of recreational and social use, and not for financial profit.
I believe this sentence is here because SEC specific say TS is not an investment, and they can not sell it as that. Of course, they will add that sentence but leave room for them to interpret it.

However, if the authority figure is the only one that can interpret thing, then the world we live will still be square, and the country USA will never be exists. And King/Queen will still rules all the countries.



TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Boca Raton, FL
Re: Uncle Sam

Jya-Ning said:
I believe this sentence is here because SEC specific say TS is not an investment, and they can not sell it as that. Of course, they will add that sentence but leave room for them to interpret it.

However, if the authority figure is the only one that can interpret thing, then the world we live will still be square, and the country USA will never be exists. And King/Queen will still rules all the countries.


Great analogy, Jya-Ning. I agree with your interpretation of the securities laws.


Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
San Diego
any one selling a No housekeeping worldmark ?

I am interested in a no housekeeping timeshare by worldmark. If anyone has one for sale or knows how I should look for one please let me know.

CO skier

TUG Member
Sep 18, 2012
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I am interested in a no housekeeping timeshare by worldmark. If anyone has one for sale or knows how I should look for one please let me know.

Are you certain you need a No Housekeeping Account (NHK)?

NHK command about a $10,000 premium to regular accounts. It is a rare owner who can benefit from a NHK account because:

1) Every account receives a free housekeeping for every 10,000 credits in the account, and the NHK applies only to credits owned, but not to credits rented into the account. In other words, only a large account (30,000+ credits?, you decide) with frequent short stays of 1-2 days in studio or 1 bedroom units would be cost effective -- larger units would use more account credits resulting in fewer stays needing housekeeping, thereby less benefit from the NHK feature.

2) Cash reservations with free housekeeping included are regularly offered in the form of Monday Madness ($0.07/credit) up to 11 months in advance, Inventory Specials ($0.056/credit) up to 60 days in advance, and Bonus Time ($0.056/credit) up to 14 days in advance. There is currently a Monday Madness special that includes all available units at all resorts and may be booked up to 11 months in advance with no housekeeping charge.

3) Additional housekeeping tokens may be easily rented from other owners for every 5,000 credits transferred from that owner. The going rate is $60-$70 per HK; putting the $10,000 NHK premium into a 2-year CD would pay for 2-3 rented HK on top of the HK included with a regular account (here, again, only a large account with frequent short stays of 1-2 days in small units would make the NHK cost effective, and only if the same reservation could not be made using one of the cash options).

4) There was a certain logic in the following thread that a No Housekeeping Account would appreciate in value as the cost of housekeepings increased over time.


This has not proven to be the case. A 30,000 NHK account might now be valued at 30,000 x $0.30/credit + $10,000 premium = $19,000 or $19,000/30,000 credits = $0.63/credit -- down from the $1.25 or $1.75 or $1.98/credit for a NHK in 2008 despite the cost increases in housekeeping charges (a 2 BR HK was $70 in 2008 and is now $87).

There are a limited supply of No Housekeeping Accounts, and there must be enough demand to keep the premium paid at about the same $10,000 level as 2008. Run the usage numbers for your particular situation to be sure that you are one of those special owners who can benefit from one of these accounts versus depositing the $10,000 premium into a bank account and just using cash options to extend your regular account credits with free housekeeping when needed.
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score

There are two ways to handle the NHK account:

1) Keep it a separate account

2) Merge other accounts into the NHK account and all those credits become NHK

If you plan to flip the account just keep it as a separate account, buy more credits and make it a larger account, then sell it. I showed folks how to make a quick $1,500 in my example – turn around time to buy and sell would be a few weeks. I did not do this since I wanted someone to benefit from this gift - my little contribution to TUG. (Plus we are looking at buying a membership in a Destination Club shortly)

You might also keep it a separate account if you are into renting WM weeks. WM lets you book unlimited days for a reservation and you could book the last 15 days of December and that one reservation can then be rented out to many folks – 4 days here, 7 days there, 4 days here and not pay a cleaning fee as each renter leaves. This would be done for accounting purposes only.

Merge all your other WM accounts into this one. This is probably the easiest way to use the NHK account over the years.

Perry... your info needs a little tweak to make it more informative.. ;) The NHK obviously has to be the main account, but merging other accounts into it has to be done a bit differently than before. All available to use credits in the regular accounts should be sold on first, and then the accounts joined in. The accounts going in are then free of one-time use credits, which allows the NHK feature to work properly. The NHK anni date then becomes the anni dates for all the accounts transferred in. If the available to use credits go into the NHK, they do not become free of HK fees. And, the worst thing, if they shuffle, each reservation they shuffle into is not considered to be NHK. All the resale agents are giving this information out to help in the process. I have heard, not sure, but it is said that they have someone who checks NHK's on a regular basis. And, having an NHK myself, I did end up paying a HK fee for one reservations, that had 10k brought in credits in the mix. :hi:


Jun 6, 2005
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Resorts Owned
WKORV, WKV, 2-SDO, 4-Kauai Beach Villas, Island Park Village (Yellowstone), Hyatt High Sierra, Dolphin's Cove (Anaheim)
Please note that you are responding to a post from 2006, and Perry hasn't been a TUG member for years. A newbie brought this thread out of mothballs in post #29.
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TUG Member
Jun 10, 2005
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SOCAL (562)
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TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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San Diego, CA
Resorts Owned
Worldmark, DVC, Grand Pacific Palisades // Gone: Warner Springs Ranch, Seapointer (SA), WinPointVIP (?)
Perry... your info needs a little tweak to make it more informative.. ;) The NHK obviously has to be the main account, but merging other accounts into it has to be done a bit differently than before. All available to use credits in the regular accounts should be sold on first, and then the accounts joined in. The accounts going in are then free of one-time use credits, which allows the NHK feature to work properly. The NHK anni date then becomes the anni dates for all the accounts transferred in. If the available to use credits go into the NHK, they do not become free of HK fees. And, the worst thing, if they shuffle, each reservation they shuffle into is not considered to be NHK. All the resale agents are giving this information out to help in the process. I have heard, not sure, but it is said that they have someone who checks NHK's on a regular basis. And, having an NHK myself, I did end up paying a HK fee for one reservations, that had 10k brought in credits in the mix. :hi:
Thank you, thank you for posting this tweak! :)

I assume that "sold on first" means that the available credit balance in the regular account(s) intended to merge below the NHK account should all be consumed/used prior to the merge?
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
I am interested in a no housekeeping timeshare by worldmark. If anyone has one for sale or knows how I should look for one please let me know.

I know of two NHK accounts -- one on the market right now and one coming soon. Please pm if any of you are interested.

The one on the market now is a 20k one, just about fully loaded, with 59,500 credits in the available to use bucket. Asking price is $1.25 a credit, but all offers will be considered. I am sure nothing under $1.00 per credit will be accepted.

The other one coming soon is a 30k one, but no details available as of yet.
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
Please note that you are responding to a post from 2006, and Perry hasn't been a TUG member for years. A newbie brought this thread out of mothballs in post #29.

Thank you.... I noticed this morning. :rofl: I had a good NHK day yesterday, finding one for a friend! :hi: In any event, the info I posted is good for those interested in finding one. Cheers!
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you, thank you for posting this tweak! :)

I assume that "sold on first" means that the available credit balance in the regular account(s) intended to merge below the NHK account should all be consumed/used prior to the merge?

Yes... ANY credits brought in from ANY account (including from NHK to NHK) are liable for a HK fee. Sell on any excess credits from your account and purchase the NHK account separately before combining. I've had ten years of usage for my NHK and it was worth every penny. It has more than paid for itself and the value has increased since purchase.

I am not sure if anyone is aware of the fact that Wyndham sent out letters to owners of NHK accounts that were not being used, offering to buy them back at 28 cents a credit? A few came on the market since those letters were sent out. They are now getting scarcer.
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TUG Member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
SOCAL (562)
I am not sure if anyone is aware of the fact that Wyndham sent out letters to owners of NHK accounts that were not being used, offering to buy them back at 28 cents a credit? A few came on the market since those letters were sent out. They are now getting scarcer.

What an ethical Company - take advantage on both ends :wall:
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
I am interested in a no housekeeping timeshare by worldmark. If anyone has one for sale or knows how I should look for one please let me know.

There are two I know of right now. Please pm if you are still interested.