TUG Member

I just wanted to share what we have done...
We never donated the unit's deed... just the right to use 1 week. Once we did it for a wish-granting organization and more recently a school scholarship fund used it at as an auction item. We recieved no cash for these donations... just did cause we had the extra weeks and didn't want to go to waste. There were some tax benefits, but talk to your tax advisor about that.
What we did recently, i have a week I can't use, and wanted to rent it. I responded to a post on another website of someone looking to auction it off to benefit a grade school. Since i was really looking to rent to cover my maintance, the deal we struck was to do just that. they get for their school anything above my maintaince, and I get my maintaince paid. Since I know that in the past this unit can get $2000 at a charitable auction (people are much more generous) I know the school will make out well (this is an orlando unit and they alread got 4 disney hopper tickets from Disney) so it should do REALLY well. This auction is happening today... so I will let you all know how it goes when they call me. Oh and we chose to cover the exchange fees but we could have asked for that too..
I am posting this cause I have seen posts of people trying to get rid of their timeshares because of MF... If you can hold on to it and work out a deal with your PTA, school or other charitable organization in your area...both you and the charity could benefit. You get to keep the unit for when you might want to use it, and you don't have the headaches of renting/selling it out when you can't use it.
Hope this is helpful..
BTW..once the auction comes in, the charity will sign the rental agreement I have used when i rent it. I won't charge them a deposit, but I do include a responsibility clause.