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Discovery Club

[Please note that this poster is just a spammer promoting his own vacation club. :rolleyes: And he has been banned. DeniseM Moderator]
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TUG Lifetime Member
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
BC Canada
Welcome to TUG. You will find that although it can be kind of a love/hate thing, most people here - or the regulars anyway - are pretty satisfied with their vacation experience using timeshares (and I'm using that term generically to include point systems, etc.)

A lot of it has to do with educating oneself to get the most of what you have. Many started here like you, feeling ripped off and disgruntled. And it's definitely harder to "work the system" than it used to be.

So I'd have to say that personally, I don't see timeshares as a negative thing.

Now, timeshare presentations and salespeople are definitely not looking out for the customer's best interests. I think you will find you are preaching to the choir with that sermon.

Again, welcome to TUG



TUG Review Crew: Elite
TUG Member
Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Greater Tampa
oh so true

I am with you on this as a practice. However, for me I must say I have really enjoyed my TS experiences. I learned from a friend who who sold me hers after allowing me to use it for a couple of years first and get some practice into trading. Over the years I have bought additional ones on the retail market, which is the key. Only once have I succumbed to the high sales tactic, for which I regret my purchase very much.


Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Lifetime Member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
A really mixed bag

I am with you on this as a practice. However, for me I must say I have really enjoyed my TS experiences. I learned from a friend who who sold me hers after allowing me to use it for a couple of years first and get some practice into trading. Over the years I have bought additional ones on the retail market, which is the key. Only once have I succumbed to the high sales tactic, for which I regret my purchase very much.

That's the big issue. Here we rail against nearly everything to do with timeshare it seems yet, to be fair, WE LOVE IT! And the value we've taken out far exceeds what we ever put in. It is just that 90% of what goes on in and around it is SO corrupt, so pressure filled, so user/owner negative that you have to be on guard at every turn and then work like a dog to not be taken.

The concept - Great. The value (resale) great. The usual management, sales, other items you really shouldn't have to deal with much or worry about - atrocious and why we need TUG, volunteer Board Memebers and legitimate owner focused management groups to actually make the resorts viable and deliver the low cost, quality vacations promised. It can be done. Resorts do it. Associations do it. But it's up to you to glean out the value and nt be taken. Unfortunately the vast majority of buyers/owners are not up to speed and continue to struggle as more and more they are taken fr big expenses and little return.


TUG Review Crew: Elite
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Centennial State
Resorts Owned
Wyndham Founder; Disney OKW & SSR; Marriott's Willow Ridge and Shadow Ridge,Grand Chateau; Val Chatelle; Hono Koa OF (3); SBR(LOTS), SDO a few; Grand Palms(selling); WKORV-OF ,Westin Desert Willow.
Our feelings about our timeshares are very definitely related to what we paid and the value we have received.

We paid way too much for the first two, from the developer, and we have bought so many for cheap prices that are worth so much more than our original purchases. Sky high prices for now worthless timeshares=unhappy us, but our bargain timeshares=happy us.