As indicated by Eric B - there are three Worldmark (WM) timeshare resorts (South Shore, Depoe Bay, Seaside) that are shared with a separate fractional ownership program that is called the Residence Club. Residence Club (RC) gives RC owners four weeks a year on a schedule that rotates the exact week (1 in each quarter) and the dues are a little lower than WM, and the units can be configured a little differently because RC is managed by a separate HOA that is part of the HOA at the resort. RC owners also have the ability to do an "exchange Plus" deposit of their RC week into WM for WM trade credits + 1 HK token.
However I do not believe their are any true "fixed" weeks deeds that were sold, nor ones that allow you to exchange for Club Wyndham points. Only WM credits. Only these Residence Club fractional deeds - which as mentioned rotate the week you might get.
Of the three resorts South Shore was the last to built under this program, and inventory there in RC is relatively rare as that resort was introduced shortly before Wyndham acquired Trendwest. Shortly after the acquisition, Wyndham moved the unsold RC inventory into Club Wyndham Access. So South Shore RC units can be hard to find. Especially compared to Depoe Bay and Seaside units, which come on the market fairly frequently.