Thanks now that you clear that up and I went back and re read the listing I understand it now. So the reservation fee only applys if one dose not have any guest certificate credits. I'm still not clear on the Reservation Transaction" credit for each 77k points you own part, the place I'm looking at comes with 154k's. Thanks for the help.
Reservation is everything you will do that will use your point. Guest Certification is if you make a reservation and give that to another person. Reservation fee will apply if you no longer have any free reservation credit nothing todo with GC. GC only happen if you assigned your unit to other people everytime, and one FSP account will get 1 free one, if you use it, and need to assign another reservaion to another person, you will than need to pay that.
154k will give you 2 transaction credit. Everything done in one day is consider one transcation. So you can call to make 2 reservations at Jan and Sept and use all your transaction credit, or make 3 reservation at Oct 3, than deposit all your point to RCI at the same day, and still has 1 transaction credit left. Which you can use if you decide to cancel one of your transaction at Oct 18 (cancel does not count into transaction), and make another one at Nov 1.