I think I saw Bay Club II leave Wyndham also - I wonder how many locations will end up "lost". Is the issue these HOAs aren't getting enough MFs to refurb the resorts to keep them compelling to people wanting to stay or own there? Or is the demand just collapsing?
I'm speculating here, but a lot of timeshares were built in the 80's and 90's. Some of those are now 40+ years old and need a lot of work to stay relevant. Or in some cases, to be kept safe.
Timeshare HOA's purposely defer maintenance and kick the financial can down the road to keep maintenance fees reasonable and avoid special assessmements until it becomes an insurmountable liability escapable only by bankruptcy and liquidation.
This is currently playing out all over Florida. The blue hairs from up north bought condos in the 80's, got on these COA boards and purposely defered maintenance to keep fees low, knowing they will be long dead before any of it was due. Then buildings started collapsing and Florida mandated inspections and minimum standards which have to be met by law. This is triggering special assessments and steep increases in COA fees. Causing the still living blue hairs to sell their condos at a huge loss and cry foul about how "the system" is screwing them. Even though this is all 100% self inflicted.
Meanwhile, as condos go belly up all over the state, companies like BLACK ROCK are buying them all up, dozing them and building new towers. This same cycle will happen again in 40-50 years when THESE buildings they are building now are similarly structurally unsafe and need to be replace.
Black Rock and their ilk will make their money and be gone before anyone knows or cares.
That's what is going on, but it's also not what anyone wants to talk about.
My parents owned in a condo tower in coastal Florida near Sarasota and saw this coming 2 years ago and amazingly timed their sale perfectly, Some of their former neighbors have had STEEP special assessments and insurance which was previously payed by the COA is now having to be paid by the residents. It's crazy.
They ended up taking their proceeds and buying a home on the coast near Sarasota which got mostly destroyed this year by Milton, but that's a different story.