Below is a Glenn Benscoter's response on the Forums to my posting and below that is my reply. I hope this clarifies what I am asking/offering. Kendra
Kendra, I do not know law but this is your law suite. It is not a class action. What you gain to benefit could be applied to only you, I think as that is the only party involved. I would think you would not be allowed to drag others greivences into your suite without them being a party to your suite.
Also remember that Wyndham watchs these boards and what the pick up here can probably only hurt you or not be used by you.
I am not sure of any of this and does not seem like it belongs on here. Glenn Benscoter
Glenn – Thank you so much for writing and expressing your concern. I understand exactly what you are saying and probably have not explained myself very clearly. Allow me to clarify - I realize that the Personal Aspects of my lawsuit are mine, mine alone and only effect ME (the What, When and How of it) and
ARE NOT a topic of discussion online.
BUT many of the REASONS as to
WHY (and some
HOW) what Wyndham is doing to me are much more general and effect
ALL of us. Because I will be calling Wyndham onto the witness stand, WE AS OWNERS COLLECTIVELY (through me personally), will have the opportunity to ask them questions that they will have to answer. I would write some specific questions to show you what I mean but I don’t want to ‘tip my hand to Wyndham’ (as you wrote – ‘remember that Wyndham watches these boards’). And I don’t mind in the least that they know that I am ‘calling for questions from owners’ – let them wonder what owners want to ask in court where they will be legally bound to give answers.
Further –
I AM NOT interested in ‘dragging others’ into my lawsuit with anything in particular that he/she/they might have against Wyndham BUT I am interested in learning of ‘specifically worded questions’ about loss of benefits, EH, change of ‘policy’, etc. that I can ask Wyndham that they must answer.
PLEASE – do not post these questions or ‘discuss specific issues’ with me online but email me at
I hope this clarifies my position and what I am asking – or, more importantly, am offering – a legal forum with Wyndham to make them answer questions that are of concern to us and, dare I hope, to make them accountable for their actions against owners.
AGAIN – please don’t think of this as “Kendra’s Personal Lawsuit”, think of this as an opportunity to legally force Wyndham to answer some of our questions and address many of our concerns. Kendra