I have received the transfer paperwork for a membership I recently bought on eBay. The Owner Information form asks for my social security number. In recent years I do not recall ever having to turn that information over to a business unless I am seeking financing or it has something to do with taxes. I am careful about guarding that info given the ease of identify fraud. Thus I am uncomfortable putting my ss# down for a cash timeshare purchase. Must I give this info over if I want the membership? I've emailed the seller/transfer agent, but I am anticipating the answer is yes from that end. I thought I'd check in to see if any Tugger-WM owner has managed to avoid giving that info over to Wyndham.
Even though I am also wary of giving out my SSN, I have given it out in this and other cash purchase situations. I think WM needs it for the following reasons:
1. Because this is perpetual and willable property, they need a way to identify you in spite of different names that you may use at different times (different spellings, maiden names, the use of middle or nick names, etc.).
2. They need to extend credit to you during the WM ownership for maintenance dues, housekeeping fees, municipal taxes, etc.
3. They hold owners responsible for all damages and liabilities for reservations that they make. (This protects other owners especially when owners rent out their reservations.) It would be doable, in cases where they have to collect from you, only if they have your SSN.
I don't know if they have allowed any owner to not give them his/her SSN.