I would like input from the community on a timeshare I purchased today for $5990. The property is Woodstone at Massanutten resort in Virginia. It's a floating unit, week number 40, luxury partial kitchen. My maintenance fee is $237.25 annually. It's a bi-yearly with a bonus week annually from RCI. The RCI exhange fee globally is $239.
What say ye?
I used to own fixed wk 39 at Woodstone, 4 Bd/yearly. I gave it away last year and paid all transfer fees.
I never stayed there, considering I wanted the use of an outdoor pool to use, (past season), and the place wasn’t my style. (Did a free owners weekend at the Summit part in the winter.)
I don’t know anything about a Gold card.
Massanutten has its own rental department that you pay a fee to have them take care of everything, but there is no guarantee that it will rent or maybe only a few days will rent, which still covers your yearly MF. (You get a check and a 1099 for tax purposes a few weeks after the rental.)
You can rent it yourself, but you have to write out a permission letter for the renter so they can get the weekly ID card. Plus, there may be additional cleaning fees. Learn from the rental department.
Week 40 usually has some major events going on in the “Valley” or at Massanutten.
It’s excellent for trading...I would get two weeks in 2 bd units, which I almost always traded into Hawaii, but I already own 3 oceanfront units on Kaua’i and couldn’t vacation that much, so it had to go.
I would rescind and rent, or go for a free one or a floating week!
Keep in mind that if you do keep it, and rent it out through them, most rentals don’t come until about a week or two before your booked week is.
You can trade through DAE, which is free. You don’t have to be an RCI member to own at Massanutten, that only gives you benefits of the extra week for depositing early and possibly more trading choices. It really depends on if that is where you really want to vacation or just trade it, or rent it.
I’m glad I now only own my 3 units on Kaua’i, since that is the only resort we want to stay at from now on, once we can afford to not have to rent them out for a few years until we make a move back home several states away, we will be back on Kaua’i on the oceanfront.
Seriously consider rescinding if it’s not too late, unless you really like that resort and being stuck with a fixed week! (I’ve never seen a summer week come up for trade between RCI or DAE, unless it showed up last minute, which would of been too late for me, since I plan my vacations a year in advance.)
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