I wasn't entirely clear, I guess. When you have a TravelShare account, the TravelShare fees cover an RCI points account. My question is that since RCI is a (more or less) separate entity, is the account linked to the person or to the TravelShare account only?
I have a TravelShare account and was thinking about buying some more WM credits resale. I know that the resale credits can't be combined with the TravelShare account, they will remain as separate accounts (I don't think an account can can both TravelShare and resale points in it, I believe they have to remain separate accounts though a person can own multiple accounts, but I could be wrong about that).
So my question is - if you have an RCI points account (obtained through TravelShare and which includes the free weeks account), could I use that account to trade the resale credits (in weekly amounts)? Or would I have to pay separately to RCI for another (weeks) account to be able to trade the WM resale credits in RCI? That would be essentially having to pay for RCI twice - once through the TravelShare fees and once separately for the WM resale account.