TUG Member
The stores are worried with good reason of losing money this holiday.
One of the biggest selling items seems to be the Wii Fit game and the stores are not only sold out by last Friday morning but have no idea if they will get more. Because of this they won't even take on-line orders so buyers could still get one if they wanted.
My daugther wanted one and only place to get one is E-bay at double the price and we will never over pay for something come Jan we can buy at store and for regular price.
What ticks me off is these stores took early sales profit on Black Friday and now will pay for these sales rest of month with slow sales.
We had one guy on the news that stated him and his wife stood in line and ran into a Best Buy and bought $6000 worth of Wii Fit just to sell on E-bay for large profit. The news showed them loading up shopping carts with this item.
Now stores have nothing for the regular families wanting to buy this item .
Stores should have used their heads and took care of their customers by having a limit of two to a family so more people could buy these or other items that are big sellers this year. These stores made quick sale and now what!
When we go into a store and buy the main item we want we also buy many other items for Christmas so store makes sales.
How many people knowing they can not buy the item they want will go into a store and spend money for other items they really don't care about, not many!
One of the biggest selling items seems to be the Wii Fit game and the stores are not only sold out by last Friday morning but have no idea if they will get more. Because of this they won't even take on-line orders so buyers could still get one if they wanted.

My daugther wanted one and only place to get one is E-bay at double the price and we will never over pay for something come Jan we can buy at store and for regular price.
What ticks me off is these stores took early sales profit on Black Friday and now will pay for these sales rest of month with slow sales.
We had one guy on the news that stated him and his wife stood in line and ran into a Best Buy and bought $6000 worth of Wii Fit just to sell on E-bay for large profit. The news showed them loading up shopping carts with this item.
Now stores have nothing for the regular families wanting to buy this item .
Stores should have used their heads and took care of their customers by having a limit of two to a family so more people could buy these or other items that are big sellers this year. These stores made quick sale and now what!

When we go into a store and buy the main item we want we also buy many other items for Christmas so store makes sales.
How many people knowing they can not buy the item they want will go into a store and spend money for other items they really don't care about, not many!