I took early retirement this year and receive a small pension from work (a cut since I am not "retirement age"). I worked p/t the last 28 years - only had dental and eye glasses so basically no medical (worked F/T a few years before the kids, etc.).
I now babysit my 4 grandchildren (two sons) 3-4 days a week. They are not going to daycare if we (both set of grandparents) can help out and we can. I was not giving up medical/full time benefits/great salary...
I will be collecting my SS as early as they allow me to - 62 hopefully? I do have a few years. Of course, if anything happens to hubby, I will have to get my own medical until I reach 65
My sister, two brother-in-laws and my best friend were all under the age of 60 (47, 47, 54 and 59). I want to have a few (a lot more of course) healthy years where I can enjoy life.
Someone I know just recently retired mid 70s. For years she talked about getting more money at retirement age and planning on traveling more, etc. etc. Well she did retire but can barely walk and has already started having falls. She can barely use her hands from arthritis too.
Each person must do what is best for them financially and health wise - we don't know what the future holds. Hopefully the decision works to our advantage