Boy that's a broad subject. I'd add two variable to your equation, that of buy in price (which includes the purchase of the points plus any conversion costs) and the number of points you want/need. I'll get it started with a few thoughts but if you'll add more details I'm sure we can better educate you on the choices applicable to your situation as it will vary with specifics.
- Best price just for points for a lot of points - Grand Residence Fractional enrolled
- Best for fees are going to be the high end properties, high demand locations for the highest season and best view classifications but will generally cost more up front and have higher total fees.
- Cheapest for getting into the system from scratch for a fair number of points say 7-15K will vary but various Hybrid purchases involving St.Kitt's & Aruba or Trust points might be best.
- Purchasing several weeks then enrolling them by either buying points or a qualifying weeks purchase can be the best for some. Not necessarily the cheapest but it can give you the best of all worlds of controlling location, season and the points options. LV can be a great balance of price, dues and # of points.
- One can always buy Trust points resale and they can purchase one time points transferred to their account. Usually not the cheapest long term option.
- Spend some time, like several months, so that you can figure out what's best for your situation.
- Look at the balance of price, dues and usage to work out the best balance.
- Many of the options assume you can later enroll for a price, that is not a guaranteed option but the last few years it has been available for a few months each year.
- Putting too much emphasis on one variable, say up front price, might not be wise.
- Since you own with Vistana anyway you might wait and see if you have conversion options later.
- For many just owning weeks and using exchanges where needed is still the best option and is certainly the cheapest for many situations.
For those just getting in I would always suggest they decide when, where and how they want to vacation then work backwards.
For those wanting to go to specific places for around a week, buying weeks that work for that then enrolling later is likely the best option. It also gives the most flexibility but might be more expensive than some of the other options.