TUG Member
I've had an ongoing search for Manhattan Club going for a couple years. We actually got a week last year but by the time it came through we had already made other plans. Had I known that MC was converting I probably would have changed our plans but we felt we had a good plan for this year. We were somewhere near the top of the list so the plan was to leave September to December open and between April & June we expected a confirmation.
Now that MC is a points resort, we’re not able to do ongoing searches or see availability online. If the ascribed point values are fair/generous this should translate into more availability in the future. My question though is when?
I was told by a VG that it will be a year before we see MC point deposits. Is this likely?
Now that MC is a points resort, we’re not able to do ongoing searches or see availability online. If the ascribed point values are fair/generous this should translate into more availability in the future. My question though is when?
I was told by a VG that it will be a year before we see MC point deposits. Is this likely?