Goaliedave, where are you? That is a beautiful photo!
I don't think I'm venturing very far over the next couple of months. By end of June, I hope to get over to NH. Only about 100 miles, but a world away in terms of my mental health! I truly won't care about restaurants/etc being closed. It will be nice to shelter-in-place looking at 4 different walls! We'll have to see how things go, though.
This is the first April break in 20 years that I've been home. Sigh. The April break week is the first timeshare week we bought. Elliott, my eldest son, was 4. Looking forward to the next little timeshare trip is what makes me tick. Like many of you, I feel as though a huge part of me is gone. Yes, I understand that it's a "want" and not a "need." Doesn't make it hurt any less.