I have a one bedroom for Pollard Brook in March, any suggestions on which unit section floor to request. Has any units been recently renovated, is it true they don't have elevators? Primary reason is to ski, any other tips/help is greatly appreciated
All the buildings just went thru a renovation, with the "older" buildings getting a lot of attention. I paid the special assessment for this, but have exchanged my unit so I haven't seen the results first hand. Word of mouth says Woodland Lodge is back to high quality.
Woodland Lodge and Jackman Brook Lodge have elevators. Streamside does not. I think there is one near the lobby that would be usable for Liberty, Mount Washington, and Pemigewassett, but I don't see it on the map I have in front of me.
People are impressed with Jackman because it is newer and has what I refer to as the "plastic glitz" that seems to impress some, especially younger people. I like Woodland, the building my unit is in, because the rooms are more spacious. To each his own.