Partially correct...
... you can buy a timeshare, sign up for an RCI membership (and pay their fee) and then sell your timeshare but keep your RCI membership and keep using it - some kind of loophole or RCI just doesn't care or something.... Please note I know very little about timeshares....
Before acquiring a RCI membership, you
must first have deeded ownership at a RCI-affiliated facility (...and yes, RCI
will check and confirm). Thereafter however, as long as one keeps on paying RCI their annual membership fee costs, RCI does not care a whit about the status of that original (or any other) timeshare ownership; RCI is happy to keep taking your $$$, even though you may no longer actually have anything to "deposit" or "exchange". Why not? It's just "found money" for RCI and certainly
no skin off their nose...
That being said, it is difficult to imagine the "one time use" (...whatever
that may be) eBay ad referenced by the OP as possibly fulfilling even the basic, fundamental RCI requirement for deeded ownership anyhow...
That eBay ad doesn't sound right and makes little sense. It
may just be someone attempting to rent out a week which they have acquired via RCI "exchange" (...a practice which is very clearly and very specifically
prohibited by both RCI and Interval Intl. in their respective terms and conditions of membership).