Another odd gift is Christmas ornaments. Why would someone give you ornaments for Christmas?
Ummmm....me?? In our family, the Christmas ornaments have a lot of meaning and we treasure each of them with the memories that accompany the time they were acquired...So handmade ornaments children made, to a "special" ornament that hung on great-Grandma's tree and is now on ours,
cheap ornaments purchased in Italy to make a holiday away from home while in the military seem more homey, glass ornament bought in honor of a leukemia patient to raise money for Children's Hospital...etc. All the stories are told while decorating the tree, or sometimes when people visit and admire a certain ornament. I never understood the idea of having a perfectly "matching" Christmas tree where everything was white, or gold because our trees always had so much meaning packed into those odd, assorted ornaments. Over the years, some are lost, or purposely retired, LOL!!, and I do appreciate a designer tree now and again, but decorating the tree and looking at the ornaments is a big part of Christmas for me. (I promise I'll never give you an ornament, Cindy!
As far as the oddest Christmas gift...my Mom had the wierdest ability to either give the perfect gift or the worst. Nothing in between. Same with her style. She was either impeccably dressed, or had the most embarassing combination on in strange colors.. Anyway, one year I received these horrible crocheted place mats (I think that was what they were supposed to be) in yellow and white yarn. They were thick and octagonal shaped, and I can't imagine how anyone could use them on a table. Turns out she gave my sister ORANGE and white rectangular ones!!
As a child the worst gift was also from her...I wanted to be a ballerina and would dance around the room. She gave me this ugly, dingy pink second hand tutu with a huge tube attached. I couldn't figure out how that was supposed to go, and the color was horrible - not a pretty pink, but more of a tan tinged with a pink shade?
And what was the point when there were no lessons with it...