<snip> Over the years I deeded back 4 or 5 Weeks to HOAs. I never asked in writing. Each time it was the result of persistent phone calls. I just kept calling, asking questions, and asking for the names and phone numbers of the decision makers. Eventually I prevailed.
Hi George:
I can't and don't argue with your success in yesteryear, but to borrow a line from an old Chad & Jeremy song "...
But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone."
The deedback avenue was much less pursued in years past, in those bygone days when Viking Ships did not yet sail the timeshare seas and personal accountability and personal responsibility being exercised by honorable timeshare owners like you was the standard behavioral norm --- not just an odd or curious exception.
In any case, owner newsletters usually contain direct contact info for BoD members, who are ultimately the
only ones who can make "deedback" decisions.
Rather than waste time on the phone pestering (or bothering with) resort desk clerks, I would instead
write directly to the actual decision makers.