It is not just about revealing the illness to your doctor. It is about the government getting the information and not knowing how they will use it, how it could come back to haunt us later on. Who knows what the government will make us do with that information or who could use it to blame us for things. Will the government put us in Covid camps? Will we get slapped with Covid fines? Will the government make us wear a big C on our forehead? I know this sounds outlandish but I never in a million years expected the world to do what it is doing now. I have lost trust in the USA government. I will choose to not visit restaurants if they start collecting personal data. Keep me out of this!
P.S. I wasn’t planning on running out to restaurants anyway. I have not even gotten take out since this began. It does not sound worthwhile to go eat in a restaurant under the current conditions. We have been cooking 100%. I prefer the home meals.
Alright, I can understand that. We will definitely be bumping up against HIPAA. But, this is the first pandemic we've done for 100 years, so, I expect some ideas that work, and some that don't. It's already super uncomfortable for people, more intrusive than anything in our lives ever.
I don't foresee camps, but I do foresee Quarantine Hotels. Some folks that need to qt cannot do it at home without risking more people. I am very concerned about people getting paid while forced to qt.
I would urge anyone with strong feelings about any policies in their state to make sure their state govt knows about it. Especially, if you have a good idea, Tell Them. Or let them know I like this policy, maybe tweak this policy like this ....
This contact tracing is a massive undertaking. Help shape it. That's about all We the People can do right now, be heard.